Business Website Package
Would you like more business from your website?
We can help your business grow, with a professional website design?

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Business Website Package
A 10-page website that’s perfect for small businesses—it’s a cost-effective package big enough to give you a great web presence and allow you to feature and promote your services.
£1300 +VAT
You can even spread the payments at no extra cost
Award Winning Website Designers in Norwich

Starter Package Plus
The business website package includes all of the features of our starter website package, including a built in contact form that allows visitors to make enquiries and picture galleries to showcase your work and/or products.

10 Pages
The business package includes 10 pages. We will work with you to design a unique website that incorporates your company branding. All of the text is supplied by you, but we work with you to help ensure that it's optimised for Google.

Customer Reviews
This package introduces a customer review module. Customers can leave reviews on your site which you can then decide to publish. This adds a review page and a reviews snippet feature, so you can display reviews on every page if you wanted to.

Facebook Branding
To help ensure that your brand is recognisable across all of your media, we will create a cover photo for your Facebook page. This will be designed to match your website as close as possible, and best of all we do this free of charge.

Professional Email
IMAP email accounts using your website's domain name for consistent, professional contact. You can have accounts for different members of staff or for different sectors of your business. We'll set up the emails on your devices.

File Download
If you have a brochure or similar form of marketing that you don't feel will work as a page on the website, you can upload it ready for customers to download. We support any file type, however there is a 4MB size limit to reduce server stress.
Our customer Reviews
Suite FF3, FF4 Crafton House, Rosebery Business Park, Norwich, NR14 7XP
Want to discuss this package with us?
If your business is ready to make an impact online, call Designtec today on 01603 952 811 or we can arrange a zoom meeting or in person if you prefer.