Niall Murdoch
11th November 2019

So glad I chose DesignTec

DesignTec took on and built the exact website I had in my head, not an easy task, especially for the limited budget I had! As a self funded small start up project DesignTec built me a UK wide e-commerce handling Classified Ad's Listings website. Neil, Will & James took my ideas and transformed them into the website I'd hoped for but didn't think I could have, well not for the money I had! They understood from the very start the look and feel of what I wanted, were able to incorporate elements I hadn't even thought of and were able to implement options that were not easy to implement in an 'off the shelf' non bespoke package. What I ended up with is an almost bespoke website. Since the website has gone live the support has been exceptional, always willing to help, always willing to put right mistakes I make - just really helpful. Wanted to choose a website builder that I could sit with personally if need be to discuss build design or help me with tutorial on how to 'admin' the site personally as I am a complete novice..and I'm glad I went with DesignTec. I would personally recommend Neil and his team if you are thinking of either 're-vamping' your existing site or building a new one.