Solam Sizer
19th September 2019

Skilled and Professional Website Design

I would like to recommend Neil Burr and Designtec to you. Neil and his team are a skilled and professional website design, and SEO experts, and have provided a first-class website for our company over the last 7 years. Designtec keeps us up to date with search engine requirements and ensures that our website reflect changing SEO requirements. During his appointment, Neil has ensured that we achieve excellent visibility for our company online; we constantly outrank our larger competitors in google for people looking for architectural services in the local area. We are always among the first few results for our chosen keyword searches. We have a number of enquiries each month from online sources, and numerous times we have been commended on the presentation of our website, which our clients find professional yet approachable. Neil and his product can add value to your business too, a modest fee will provide you with a very good starting point for a website, to which you can add further pages, content and edit yourself. I have no hesitation in recommending Neil and his services to you, you will not be disappointed.