Helping to feed the hedgehogs of Norfolk
Here at Designtec, we are a company that likes to give. Each year, we make a charitable donation to support a local cause that sits close to our hearts. This year, we have chosen Hodmedods Hedgehog Support, as we love wildlife and there are hundreds of hedgehogs in rescue centres throughout Norfolk that are in desperate need of food and warmth this winter.
The Hungry Hog Appeal
2020 has been a particularly challenging year for everyone and if we have learned one thing, it is how precious life is. Local causes, such as Helping Hedgehogs Norfolk, have not been able to fundraise this year and so need the support of the local community, now more than ever. It is estimated that there are over 1000 hedgehogs in Norfolk rescue centres at this very moment in time – that is a lot of mouths of feed!
Why they need our help
Nearly all of the undersized hoggies and autumn juveniles being taken into rescue centres are too small to hibernate and so will have to stay in the rescue centres or with fosterers until the spring.
The majority of rescue centres around Norfolk are run single-handedly by individuals from their homes.
Feeding, cleaning and caring for 40-50 hedgehogs on a daily basis is very time consuming and costly, with an average of 175 cans of food needed a week to keep all those tummies full.
Many of the hedgehogs that arrive at a rescue centre have internal parasites that require treatment, so there are medical expenses to cover too, not to mention the heating costs.

How to Help
If, like us, you would like to help to feed the hedgehogs of Norfolk, you can do so in a number of ways. You can make a monetary donation, as we have done, or you can leave food at one of the many collection points in Norfolk.
Cans or pouches of dog/cat food, cat/kitten biscuits and hedgehog food are all suitable. Hedgehogs are not fussy eaters – they just want to feel full, warm and loved.
You might also like to purchase one of the lovely items available on the Hodmedods website for a special birthday or Christmas gift.

Learn More
To learn more about Hodmedods Hedgehog Support, please visit