Brand Awareness
Building a successful Brand
Previously, we outlined why it is important to have a professional website in the 21st century. Now, we are going to look at how you can use your website to increase brand awareness and generate sales…
For more information, give Designtec a call on 01603 952811.
Keep It Consistent
A website with a professional and sleek design will attract visitors, but if the copy is disfluent, boring or offers a poor reflection of your products or services, visitors will very quickly disengage and seek out one of your competitors. The last thing you want to do as a business is divert potential customers.
We appreciate that nobody knows your business better than you do, but the ability to write copy that is both engaging and rich in keywords does not come naturally to most. A professional copywriter has the skills and experience to convert hits into sales and can turn your website into one that doesn’t just attract, but performs.
If you would like to appoint a professional copywriter to showcase your business, give Designtec a call today on 01603 952811.

Free SEO Tips
We hope that you are finding our free SEO tips useful.
You may recall that in the last issue, we discussed why heading tags play an important role in structuring a website. Heading tags help search engines determine the context of a webpage which in turn can improve a website’s ranking position.
With advancing technology, individuals can now perform much more specific searches by using a voice assistant such as Siri, Google Home, Cortana or Alexa. In fact, voice searches are becoming increasingly popular.

Optimising a website for a voice search is very different to optimising for a web search. Voice searches are conversational and optimisation for such requires more specificity.
You need to think what phrases people are most likely to use when searching for a business like yours and incorporate those phrases into your copy accordingly. The more specific you can be, the better your website will perform in a voice search. By including those common phrases in the heading tags, you can increase your chances of Google selecting your website to answer an individual’s question.
Get In Touch
If you would like our help in building a successful brand, call us on 01603 952811.